Application Form

Session: 2025 - 2026

(Note:- File size maximum 2MB, Image must be jpg, jpeg, png extension.)

Basic Information of Student

Year- Month- Days-

Primary Contact Information for communication

Previous School Details

Father's Details
WorK Details

Mother's Details
Word Details

Details of Sibling studying in TPS
SL. NO. Name Class Regn. No.

Guardian Signature
I / We
Parent / Parents of
have read the School's rules and regulations and hereby agree to abide by the same. All the above mentioned details provided by me / us are true in all respect. In case of discrepancy with the facts, the school authority reserves the right to cancel the registration form as well as the admission of the child. I/we also hereby agree to abide by the school rules and the school reserves the right to issue compulsory Transfer Certificate to my/our child for any act of inscipline. I/we have read and fully understood these conditions.

Camellia Public School